Research project

Reduced energy consumption associated with fiber refining in MDF production


Fiber refining is one of the most important steps in the MDF manufacturing process regarding energy consumption and fiber quality. The parameters of the disc refiner (e.g., refining plate geometry, refining disc spacing, and raw material retention time between discs) determine energy consumption. However, refiner energy performance also depends on (1) raw material characteristics, such as wood species, residue source (e.g., post-consumer wood residues, sawmill residues), residue type (chips, sawdust), raw material homogeneity and moisture content, and (2) pre-refining steaming conditions (e.g., steam pressure, temperature, and duration). All these variables also affect fiber quality, which has a major impact on panel properties. Consequently, optimizing fiber refining involves combining all these variables.

This project aims to optimize the refining parameters of a disc refiner to reduce energy consumption while maintaining a compromise with fiber quality. The fiber quality aspect may also involve different raw material sources, such as residues from primary processing and recycled wood residues, which are increasingly present in industrial processes.

Research Field

- Wood-based composite panels
- Medium density fiberboard (MDF)
- Fiber refining
- Process optimization
- Fiber quality
- Wood residues
- Recycled wood
- Post-consumer wood

Research Supervisor

Rémi Georges

Research Environment

Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt

The project is part of Axis 2 «Processes and Innovative Adhesives» of the Wood-Based Panel Research Consortium (Corepan-Bois)'s research program on process optimization. The candidate will work in collaboration with Uniboard and FPInnovations.

Corepan-Bois is a joint research initiative including Université Laval, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), SEREX, and FPInnovations and industrial and government partners: Produits forestiers Arbec, Sacopan, Tafisa, Uniboard, Conseil de l'industrie forestière du Québec (CIFQ), Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF). The goal of the consortium is to contribute to the research and training of highly qualified personnel along three research axes:

Axis 1 - Raw Material: aims to increase the value of wood residues from primary and secondary processing, to identify new sustainable sources of fiber supply from the forest, urban and agricultural biomass, and to reuse and recycle wood residues from construction, renovation, and demolition.

Axis 2 - Processes and Innovative Adhesives: aims to optimize panel manufacturing processes, improve the performance of formaldehyde-based adhesives, and develop new bio-sourced adhesives or adhesives derived from residues of industrial transformation processes.

Axis 3 - Products and Markets: aims to develop new products and applications for panels to access new market opportunities and implement new management, decision support, and control tools in the industry.

Web Site

Financial Aid Available by Program of Study

Doctorate in Wood and Biosourced Materials Engineering

Program description

Financial Aid Available*

Financial Aid Related to Research Project

$25000 per year for 3 years.

Program-Specific Financial Aid

Graduate Studies Awards

Milestone Amount
Doctoral exam and submission of research proposal by the end of the 4th semester
Favorable report from the supervising committee by the end of the 7th semester
Initial dissertation submission by the end of the 9th semester
Publication of an article in a scientific journal by the end of the 6th semester
Total $10,355

Université Laval: Student Financial Aid

Funding source Amount
Leadership and Comittment Scholarship (Canadians & permanent residents)
Citizens of the World Scholarship (International students) $30,000
Mobility Grant for Out-of-Province Internships or Research Visits (in French)
$1,000 to $2,000
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies   
$25,000 to $40,000$
Online Directory of Graduate Scholarships (in French)
$500 to $50,000

Supplemental Tuition Fee Exemption Scholarship Program: Entitles international students to pay Canadian student tuition fees, for overall savings of around $40,000.

* Amounts shown represent maximum financial aid available. Certain conditions apply. Subject to change without prior notice. For further information, contact sponsoring organizations directly.

Desired Profile

- Forestry
- Wood Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Forest Management and Environment
- Industrial Engineering

Required Documentation

- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitæ
- Student transcript

Application Deadline

October 31, 2024

Find Out More

Normand Paradis
Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique